Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stop Excessive Armpit Sweating

Excessive Armpit Sweating Disorder Cure

By Jed Elaine

Armpits are arguably one of the least appealing parts of our anatomy. Sweaty ones can actually be quite gross in appearance. Women invariably rid their armpits of hair, a practice far lesser in men but keeping Armpit Sweat in check appears to be just as prevalent in either gender. The subject begs to be understood because it's basically wrong to just Stop Armpit Sweat.

Under the right conditions, we need to sweat, armpits included. If not, our body will overheat from action or stimuli such as sports, work, tension, stress or just surrounding temperature. We'll go sore or even blistered from rubbing when we work our arms against our body in physical movement as a result of lack of lubrication. We'll also deprive ourselves of the fluid balance mechanism endowed upon us by Nature.

Our SNS (Sympathetic Nervous System) regulates and primes the body into involuntary action and Armpit Sweating is one of its best-serving channels. It is only when the SNS goes haywire that the sweating becomes a problem. This can happen in two ways: excessively or deficiently, termed medically as Axillary Hyperhidrosis and Axillary Anhydrosis respectively.

Between the two disorders of armpit sweating, Axillary Anhidrosis is potentially fatal but Axillary Hyperhidrosis is a lot more common and rarely life-threatening. Excessive Armpit Sweating can be Primary or Secondary, the former being tricky to attribute while the latter is affirmatively caused by another underlying medical condition such as diabetes, thyroid and so forth cure for which will inherently resolve the sweating disorder. Having that said, it is reasonable to presume that diet, hygiene, fitness, stress and heredity have a bearing on Primary Excessive Armpit Sweating Disorder.

It is estimated that greater than 1 % of people are afflicted with Excessive Armpit Sweating in varying degrees. For the more severe cases, life becomes nightmarish with physical discomfort and inconvenience, emotional attacks, loss of confidence and self-esteem, poor social image and other psychological dents. Often, the side-effects of the problem are actually more damaging than the ailment itself.

Depending on the severity of the problem, there are various ways to contain or Stop Armpit Sweat from becoming excessive. The usual approach is through medical means, ranging from over-the-counter antiperspirant to sweat-gland surgery but of late, natural methods are gaining popularity mainly on account of cost, risk and side-effects. In many instances, simply eating, resting and living right may be just what's needed, that's all!

Having trouble with unusual amounts of Excessive Armpit Sweating? Then there are ways to cure or at least control the situation. I can help, go to my review website and read what I have to say about How To Stop Armpit Sweat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jed_Elaine